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Long House

Long House is home to unique Dayak communities in the interior of Borneo. The house was built with a high pole more than 2 meters, so that people can freely walk under and around the house. Long house is located in Pontianak Sutoyo Long Street, side by side with the Regional Library of West Kalimantan province, about 100 meters from the Provincial Museum. In this place is usually performed traditional employee is a party Dayak rice harvest performed by Dayak ethnic displays various arts and traditions of the sub-existing ethnic Dayaks in West Kalimantan.

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Legong Kraton Dance

Legong is a classical Balinese dance with motion has a very complex structures bound with percussion accompaniment that is effected by means Gambuh.Dance word movement is bound by the accompaniment .Term Gamelan Legong Kraton is a later development. Sometimes this dance is performed by two girls or more in display as the opening of the start Leaning Legong, but other times Legong is performed one or two pairs of dancers without featuring biased first.
Legong characteristic is the use of fan dancers except biased. Legong Kraton is a dance palace accompanied by gambelan. The title is a court legong subsequent developments. There is the presumption that the Legong Kraton Dance comes from Sang Hyang development. Dance is the most popular and often appear in the show tour. This dance was developed in Peliatan.

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Betutu Chiken

Citizens must have known Balinese cuisine is Betutu.Betutu Chicken dishes made from chicken or duck, which contains the whole spices, then roasted in a fire supposedly originated chaff.Food of Gilimanuk, West Bali, taste delicious, savory and spicy. The core of cuisine steamed chicken with a full variety of spices. Its spicy pure with no added sugar. If in Java, all dishes include the majority of sweet taste as a reinforcement, but in Bali, he prefers the taste of ingredients presented in the materials Chicken Betutu food.Its encountered in Denpasar, of course with a variety of flavors. All use the full flavor, but the sense of power each chicken stall Betutu providers vary.
One of the producers is betutu Melinggih village, Gianyar regency district Somerset West. Betutu used as offerings in religious ceremonies and rituals as well as food and sold. Consumers not only society but also bali overseas visitors who come to Bali, especially in certain places such as hotels and restaurants / restaurant. Betutu not take long stored.

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Papua Costumes

Traditional clothing of men and women in Papua nearly the same shape. They wore clothes and robe with the same model. They also both wore head ornaments of birds of paradise, bracelets, necklaces, and belts of beads and tassels at the ankle. Forms painted clothing here is a new creation. With spears / arrows and shields held bridegroom Papua customary adds.

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Is the oldest school in the history of modern Indonesian painting. Painting with this stream trying to evoke memories of romance and beauty in every object. Landscape is often the object taken as the background picture.Pioneered by the romantic painters of the Dutch colonial era and is transmitted to the native painter for the purpose of collection and the gallery in the colonial era. One of the famous figures of this genre is the Raden Saleh.

The following is one example of wing romanticism art originating from Indonesia.

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Sate Ayam Sinar Jaya Sokaraja

Sate Ayam Sinar Jaya Sokaraja

Enthusiasts for chicken kebabs, satay this one's delicious taste, smell fragrant seasonings are also very, Formerly named Sokaraja chicken satay, but many who use the same name is now better known as "Chicken Sate Sinar Jaya Sokaraja". Why choose a Sinar Jaya Sate Ayam Sokaraja? because the location of this sale is the chicken satay on Jalan Sudirman Sokaraja General and in front of the location of the selling point of departure there is a bus out of town (Jakarta, etc.) and the bus is called Sinar Jaya, is now using the name "Chicken Sate Sinar Jaya Sokaraja".

Sokaraja is a small town on the edge of Purwokerto (Central Java Banyumas), approximately 3 Km from Purwokerto, other than the famous Chicken Satay is, Sokaraja also famous for its fried Getuk Soto and, on another occasion to tell Soto DoyanMakan.com Sokaraja and Getuk fries.

Opening hours Sate Ayam Sokaraja Sinar Jaya is from 16:30 hours until the time the uncertain times in 2 hours can sate sold out, even when DoyanMakan.com stopped by to taste the typical kebabs this Sokaraja sate at 17:30 was nearly sold out out. 1 day in 3000 to sell toothpicks.
This sate taste absolutely delicious, the lontong and serve with gravy Gulai with Peanut Sambal ... Hmm ... It's delicious.

Source: http://www.doyanmakan.com

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Jakarta - First Lady Ani Yudhoyono said, batik is one of the world's cultural heritage from Indonesia, can bridge the cultural understanding between Indonesia and the United States through the collection owned by Ann Dunham. 
These comments were made Ani Yudhoyono at the opening exhibition's collection of batik cloth Ann Dunham, mother of U.S. President Barrack Obama in Grand Indonesia Jakarta, Tuesday. "Batik Indonesia's cultural heritage but also a cultural bridge to bind the two countries," he explained. 
The wife of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono added beauty of Indonesia's batik should be displayed and introduced to the world over. "I hope this exhibition confirms the existence of batik, we offer the beauty in the eyes of the world, this exhibition I hope the two nations closer," he explained. 
In the exhibition that took place in the Grand Square of Indonesia, the First Lady also asked to display a collection of batik fabric has, complete with a small record memories of batik. "I want to convey a personal note of my batik collections and short stories. Hopefully can be useful, "said Ani of batik which is recognized by UNESCO. 
Ani Yudhoyono told colored batik Indonesian public life from birth to death. According to him, in times of birth, batik cloth used to hold the baby, then as adults used to graduation, when used as a synonym married kebaya and when used to cover dead bodies. 
Therefore requested that the First Lady will love batik fabrics and development should continue to do so to continue the tradition of generations of terun batik understanding. Attending the event Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik, Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu and a number of officials, batik lovers from various walks of life. (* An / z) 

Source: http://matanews.com

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