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remo dance EAST JAVA

Dance Remo is a typical dance of welcome which describes the East Java Community kharakter dynamic Surabaya / East Java The packaged as an image of courage that prince.Dance accompanied by gamelan music in one of gising bonang saron, xylophone, gender, slentem, siter, flute, percussion, kenong, kempul and gongs and rhythms using rhythm gising slendro.usually Jula-juli Suroboyo tropongan, sometimes followed by walang chortle, Gedong dynamic, new creations krucilan or another.dancers use of costumes or styles of sawonggaling consisting surabaya from the top of the black 18th century presented clothes, pants, black bludru with gold ornaments and there is a belt batik.belt and kris. understood right there until the scarf hanging kemata feet. female dancers wore the knot (bun) in the hair remo mentioned that the dance is on promoting around tahun1900, which is then used by the nationalist Indonesia to communicate to the public.

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