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Weaving Baduy Worldwide attention

Typical woven cloth indigenous Baduy in Lebak regency, Banten favor various circles in the country and abroad since antiquity and uniqueness.
antiquity and uniqueness of different Baduy woven with motifs other woven fabrics, this is due to the weaving pattern has Baduy unik.Motif characteristic of this distinctive from the original creativity of the people who managed to Baduy series of very young attention among both domestic and foreign . That's why a typical woven fabric Baduy needs to be improved.
Chairman of the Indonesian Weaving Cita (CTI) Okke Hatta Radjasa in Serang, Banten, Thursday said it had attended various exhibitions of weaving that held at home and abroad by presenting a typical woven fabric which is designed Baduy into clothing. In this exhibition opportunity, many people who loved and was interested in weaving these Baduy.
"We came to Jakarta to develop these fabrics, because a lot of interest in and demand but production is limited," said the wife of the Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Radjasa full name when meeting Okktiniawati Ulfadariah Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah discuss the development plan is woven Baduy.

Okke said weaving Baduy has its own uniqueness in terms of style and a strong manufacturing techniques with local wisdom. For that his company would cooperate with the Department of Tourism Department of Jakarta and Banten province SMEs to provide training to artisans to weave the optimal production and quality can be increased.

"Finally we exhibit Baduy woven in the Netherlands in January 2009, other than once in Milan, Washington DC, and France," he said.

Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah welcomes the steps undertaken lovers fabrics incorporated in the CTI, to which he would develop Baduy loom in the form make a village tour and will facilitate this through the Department of Culture and with the Office Priwisata Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs ) province of Banten.

"We welcome this positive move as an effort to develop small business and tourism in Banten, hopefully the beginning of 2010 has been running," said Atut.

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1 Response to "Weaving Baduy Worldwide attention"

  1. Sasaki Koziro says:
    24 Desember 2009 pukul 14.46

    The hand made woven fabrics produced by Baduy people proves that in spite of their illiteracy, they have such a delicate artistic talent. This talent have been handed down from generation to generation over the millenia without any formal education system. We must protect them. We have to protect their heritage, their uniqueness of culture, social life and environtment and at the same time we must also persuade them to unveil their 'taboo' as not to bring their children to school. Visit Baduy Village is volunteering in media making for Baduy, the people of Kanekes.

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